Reymax - shareware creation, custom works, offshore software development, outsourcing company
 Reymax Software focuses on networking software development. We combine the latest technologies with our own unique expertise and innovation to create quality software solutions for our clients.  We also feature our own line of award-winning software products.

 LAN Spider 2.0: Network file searcher

LAN Spider is a full-featured network file search software. With even involved network infrastructure LAN Spider can help you locate critical files dramatically fast. LAN Spider allows organizing more detailed scan using a great amount of patterns. Each item can be executed, copied, moved, drag-n-dropped and so on. Result of a search can be exported into various formats: plain text, CSV, HTML, Excel XLS... [more]

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 AddTGP 3.6: Gallery submission tool

AddTGP is a professional software suite, which helps to create and submit your thumbnail galleries within seconds. Automatic rules check feature prevents you from rules violation. External TGP/LL database editor allows creating and updating your own TGP/LL collection. AddTGP finds the most suitable category automatically so you don't need to select every time you submit galleries... [more]

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 FormTGP 1.0: Form-filling submission tool

FormTGP is a photo gallery submission utility. FormTGP opens submission forms and fills them automatically, saving your time dramatically. At the same time FormTGP provides hight quality submission results. FormTGP combines easy-to-use interface of AddTGP and the power of industry-standard Microsoft® Internet Explorer® browser, which is the core of FormTGP's submission engine... [more]

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 CrypTalk 1.0: Secure network messenger

CrypTalk is a full-featured chat client based on strong public key cryptography. CrypTalk messages can include embedded pictures, data files, etc. Other features include: automatic or manual network computer detection, user groups, blacklists, auto responder and message templates. Socks 4, 4a, 5 are supported... [more]

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 ActivePager 1.2: LAN messenger

ActivePager is an instant messenger for office networks. It uses peer-to-peer architecture for easy application deployment and fast message sending. We created ActivePager to look & act like a real pager, so the interface is intuitive and easy-to-use. What is more, you may use advanced features like Answering Machine (replies to all incoming messages), Templates (speeds up message creating) and Blacklist (filters out specified sorts of messages)... [more]

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