Reverses your video files in just one step
K-5 Video Reversal Tool is a simple-to-use application whose sole purpose is to reverse the playback of your video files. It offers support for the AVI, MP4, MOV and WMV types, and can be effortlessly handled, even by users with little or no background in similar tools.
This kind of application can be particularly useful to individuals who frequently work with video processing tools and web sites, among others.
After the quick installation procedure, you can check out the standard window with the uncomplicated layout, representing K-5 Video Reversal Tool's interface.
The "what you see is what you get" concept clearly applies to the program, since there are no other options available, aside from the ones visible in the main frame.
Opening a video file is done with the help of the file browser only, since "drag and drop" is unsupported by K-5 Video Reversal Tool.
You shouldn't worry about the possibility of overwriting the original file, since the program automatically creates a new video in the same directory, whose file name receives a "reverse" suffix. Unfortunately, you cannot set a custom target folder and file name. However, you can enable the option to reverse sound as well.
K-5 Video Reversal Tool uses a very low amount of CPU and system memory to carry out a task in no time. It has a good response time and works smoothly, without making the system hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. The output videos have a good image and sound quality. All in all, K-5 Video Reversal Tool delivers the simplest solution possible to reversing the playback of a video.
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