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qBittorrent is a free, open source application based on Qt4 toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar that runs on all major OS such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, OS/2 or FreeBSD (including support for over 25 languages). The main purpose of this P2P Bittorrent client is to offer an alternative to uTorrent. The main features are:

- similar user interface with µTorrent (for a smooth transition).
- integrated and customizable search: on most popular BitTorrent search sites.
- support for all BitTorrent extensions: Magnet/BitComet, Peer Exchange, DHT etc.
- advanced control for trackers, peers and torrents (torrent queueing and priotirizing).
- support for UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding.
- bandwidth scheduler and sequential download.
- IP Filtering (compatible with eMule and PeerGuardian) and IPv6 compliant.
- detailed torrent info: size, status, seeds, peers, download and upload speed, ratio etc.
- etc.

qBittorrent Review

Note regarding the installation: There's nothing hidden in this app, no bundles, no unwanted ads or anything like that. It's 100% clean so the setup process should be easy enough and without any unwaranted advertising. Just remember that although the application itself is clean, you are responsible for the data that you will upload or download through a torrent.

The first interaction: If you're a fan of the old uTorrent (like me) I am sure that you will appreciate the simple interface. You have access to everything you need to customize this client from "Option" area. The transfers from all torrents will appear on a left column close to the "Search" feature (which requires Python 2.x if you want to use it). You can even lock down qBittorrent with a password if you want to keep your activity private.

Performance: I (and a few friends of mine) was able to reach the maximum speed provided by my ISP on Windows (100 Mbps). Obviously such high-speed transfers are usually made from close locations but what I am trying to say is this: there's no limitation coming from this software. If there's any limitation it will come (in most cases) from your ISP or hard drive (e.g. if your Internet connection has 1 Gbps you should know that you can't reach this speed with a HDD and you will need a solid-state drive - SSD).

Final conclusion: You really don't need a manual to learn how to use this client. If you used any other similar client before (uTorrent is the best example) you will need just a few minutes to get comfortable with this program. After a few days you will feel that you have found the perfect Bittorrent client. Actually, the whole FossHub team use and highly recommend qBittorrent (just like all the other apps). If you also find this software useful, please...donate folks! The author(s) will appreciate each and every donation!

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