SkinEngine C++ VB and .NET skin component
ThemeEngine Delphi skin component
Advanced Flash Player, Visio like diagram creator - Delphi NET and ActiveX components
ArcadeSpire - best casual games store
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Iconconstructor converts any image into XP or Vista icon
Watermark Factory protects your digital photos with text or image watermarks
3D Button Creator Gold 3.02 |
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3D Button Creator is a tool for calculating 3D-looking buttons to improve the graphical impression of your homepage or to be used in your own program as customized graphical buttons. Easy to use WYSIWYG editor for realtime editing.
Insofta Cover Commander 2.7 |
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Create an image of a product box for a web site, electronic presentation or a paper publication. Cover Commander offers an easy and fast way to create such images. Unlike most of the competitors, it provides several basic 3D objects to work with.
Advanced Find Files 2.3 |
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Advanced Find Files is the easiest way to locate files on the your computer. Advanced Find Files can use different search criteria. You may search files and folder by name or part of name, containing text, created or modified date, file size and type. Advanced Find Files can scan ZIP files. You may save search result and open files from result. Also Advanced Find Files support drag-and-drop operation
Images Finder 1.7 |
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ImagesFinder is the easiest way to locate images on the your computer. ImagesFinder can - search images by name or mask, search images by image types, search images by date, search image by template, use this features you may found images which have different size, color depth, other format from template.
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