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Moo0 ImageSizer is a software that enables you to easily convert images into different sizes.Moo0 ImageSizer is very easy to use, and you just need to drag and drop files onto this software. This software may be very powerful if you are working on designing and wondering about which sizes to choose.Get Moo0 ImageSizer and take it for a spin to see what it can do for you! [read more >>]

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Problems downloading? Try GetRight or FlashGet. If you use Internet Explorer 7 or later on Windows XP SP2 or Vista you should read this important automatic download-related guide.

Please be aware that Softpedia accepts no responsibility for the software you are downloading. The same applies to the information provided about the software products listed, as the producer can modify it without notifying Softpedia. Even if we try to check the files for viruses ourselves, we cannot guarantee 100% that they are clean. For your own protection ALWAYS check downloaded files for viruses. |
Image Convertors

Converts a PowerPoint presentation to a solid Flash file or each slide to single Flash files |
PacsPrinter provides any Windows application with PACS connectivity |
PacsScanner is the document scanning solution for your PACS |
Can directly convert PS and EPS files to dozens of image formats |
Batch convert TIFF, TIF,JPEG,JPG, BMP, PNG, image files to PDF and PDF/A files |
Batch convert TIFF, TIF,JPEG,JPG, BMP, PNG, image files to PDF and PDF/A files |