Welcome on CrystalXP.net
Welcome to the Great Ice-Barrier !
Our Community is here to help you to discover Graphics and Windows' customization.
Have a nice visit among the penguins !
CrystalXP offers a large gallery for you to download our members' best creations. Best of all, it's totally free!
You can find Wallpapers, Iconsets, 3D animations, and of course, our BricoPacks !
Our WebSite has a great forum on which you'll be able to speak with the whole Community.
You'll be able to find grapic or software tutorials, some help if you have a problem, and of course, some friendliness !
Photoshop, TheGimp, 3D Applications... You want to discover graphics or to improve your skills ? Come and read our Tutorials.
Sorted as you want, they'll teach you basic operations, little tricks to improve your creations, and even more...
Create & Share
All our members can submit their creations to our Gallery. Post your last works so that everyone can see them.
Moreover, CrystalXP allows you to create your own iGloo : a page witch shows all your creations together !