Legacy Software Downloads
Please note that this page is no longer maintained and this software is no longer supported. It still works fine, but we aren't going to be updating it, nor can we answer any questions about it, sorry.
DetachOLFilename: detachol.zip
Description: DetachOL allows you to manage Outlooks file attachment settings - including which file extensions to block or allow.
TweakOLFilename: tweakol.zip
Description:Configure numerous hidden features in Microsoft Outlook, including adding BCC, reading in plain text, using the system tray and more! For Outlook 2000.
TweakOL 2003Filename: tweakol2003.zip
Description:TweakOL, updated for Outlook 2003.
NewOL ToolsFilename: newtools.zip
Description: Create new Microsoft Outlook items such as mail, tasks, events and notes from your system tray, very handy!
iTC v1Filename: itc.zip
Description: Control iTunes from a floating tool bar!
iTC v2Filename: itc2.zip
Description: iTC - updated for Windows XP.
Goggle (Win)Filename: goggle.zip
Description: Search Google from a floating toolbar
Goggle (Mac)Filename: gogglex.zip
Description: Search Google from a floating toolbar, Mac version
NoMessFilename: nomess.zip
Description: Easily disable the Windows Messenger Service
StopItFilename: stopit.zip
Description: Control Windows processes in Windows 95 and 98
phpReferFilename: phpRefer.tar
Description: A php script to view incoming referrers