Frequently asked questions
1. I can't download files from DownloadBestSoft (Hotlinking is Not Allowed)
This is a common scenario for people that are doing this:
- you're attempting to download from us using a DIRECT link to our setup file (posted by another website). The answer to this "issue" is this:
We have been a target for several websites that decided to steal bandwidth from us by posting a link directly to our setup files. We had hundreds of GB downloaded in several weeks. This means that we pay the hosting costs while others just benefit from it. As a first response to this problem we "require an accurate HTTP Referrer" in order to prevent direct links. We might take other actions to prevent any such attempts.
Posting a direct link is a waste of bandwidth for us and it's also useless because of this: if version 1.0.0 no longer exist on our download website, a newer version such as 1.1 is the latest so those direct links that pointed to an older version will end up on a "404 Not Found" page. As a conclusion, please don't do it, if you wish to post a link, use our URL page and not directly to our setup files. This way, you will always find the latest-updated version of the software.
- you use a script such as a toolbar and it's blocking almost everything.
Please check if you installed any third party download app, tool-bar or script in your browser. Ideally, try a different browser and see if the download starts.
- one of our servers was in the middle of an update or its down (it happens) due to a hardware failure.
This is a very rare scenario but it could happen so wait a few seconds, refresh the page and click on the download link again - you will be served by another download server that will be able to handle your request.
- you or someone else disabled the HTTP Referrer from your browser so you have to enable it.
We had millions of downloads and if 3-4 people cannot download because they use all kind of privacy methods that disables the HTTP Referrer from their browser, I guess it's their own problem and they have to deal with it or make an exception.
2. Why the download starts from another server?
We use multiple download servers and their number will increase. The reason for this is simple: if a server goes down, the traffic is handled by the others. Not to mention that the download speed is way faster than using only 1 or 2 servers. We plan to keep adding more servers as the traffic will grow. We own all servers and they all redirect to so again, I can't see a problem with that. If you want to be sure that we really own the server just type its address on your browser and it should redirect you to our homepage: Example, if you type you should be redirected to If you see anything else but not our website, please send us a report or check your computer for malware infections.
3. Why don't you reply to my emails?
Several reasons:
- you're sending us a business proposal related to: software bundles, installers, pop-ups, aggressive or deceptive advertisement. If we get such emails, we ignore and delete them instantly. Sorry but we're not interested in such partnerships.
- you're ignoring a subject that has been covered in this FAQ.
4. How can I add a software?
First of all, you can "suggest" a freeware or open source software that you want to be added to our list. We do not accept shareware software or those infected with malware. If you're a developer of a certain app you will have to answer us a few questions. There's no guarantee that your program will be added on our list.
5. Your software is infected
Most of the programs that you will find on our website is uploaded by their respective owners/creators. Several programs use a "form of advertising" known as "bundling". You can recognize such a program by looking at the setup process. If it's asking you to install other third-party applications, it's definitely bundled. Most of them, allow you to opt-out and install a clean version. Remember that it's NOT our decision, because we do not OWN or create the programs found on this website. We hate software bundles, installers and other crap but it seems that more and more developers choose to use this "method" to gain some money. We don't like this idea and all we can do is to WARN our users. Make sure that you read what we write about a software.
We had several reports so far from all kind of users saying that a software is infected. Before you blame us or a certain software, please make sure that you actually TEST our/suspicious "infected" file at a service that allows you to use multiple antivirus products such as VIRUS TOTAL.
All reports were false positive so please don't waste our time with nonsense. If you can't offer a solid proof with a result of a multiple scan and you're sending us a warning from the antivirus product that you're using, I repeat: it's most likely a false positive. The best way to check this is a solution such as the one offered by VIRUS TOTAL.
6. Can I suggest a feature or send a critic?
Yes you can, however we can't make any promises that it will be added. As for any critics, if it's pertinent, it will do more good than harm so again, feel free to contact us.
7. I want to report a deceptive or dangerous ad
Here's how to do it: DO NOT click on that ad or if you already did this, save the URL (link) of it. If possible, make a screenshot and send us the screenshot after we reply to your email. If we consider that the ad is against our policy and users we will most likely add it on our blocked list.
8. Can I make a donation to DownloadBestSoft?
We appreciate your intention but we (DownloadBestSoft) do not accept donations. However, feel free to inform us or send us a "thank you" email and if you insist to donate, choose a project that you like and use the "Donate" link at the bottom of each review. You should be redirected to the donation page of each project.
9. I would like to help DownloadBestSoft
Thank you, if you wish to help us please recommend us to other people. "Like us" or share us on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc. Feel free to introduce us to other friends of yours.
10. The download speed is slow.
Note: We never received any complaints.
As we said, all download servers that we use are located in USA. We've made local tests in several countries from Europe and the download speed is more than decent. Before you attempt to contact us, make sure that there are no other problems related to your Internet Connection.