- i2pdfImage to PDF, a program I wrote to build PDF files from scanned images.
- ip2cIP to Country, a program to match an IP to its country of origin. Can process a list of IPs too.
- Optimus TesterOptimus Tester, a program to help you in the discovering of faulty OLED keys on a Optimus Maximus keyboard.
- SlopeA little utility to convert the steepness of a road expressed in degrees to the slope percentage used on road signs.
- Do you like programming ? Never heard of PureBasic before ? Read something about it.
- A collection of links related to PureBasic.
- Some source code I posted in the forum, maybe you can find something useful ? I hope so.
- If you have a PC can you be interested in some links about the Model-M, one of the best PC keyboard ever made ?
- A simple Edirol PC-300 modification, to make it work on batteries in order to be able to use it again under Windows 7 with a single cable.
- Some Guitar's stuff, maybe of some interest if you have a Variax or a Vox Tonelab.
- A modification of an old Black & Decker's Dustbuster to make it work with external batteries.