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Soft Experience software editor provides Windows file management products and prepress solutions such as KaliNews, Kalimages, Idem, Catalogue Files Metadata Miner, Delenda, MacNames, CrossIPTC to automate documents and images processing, save time, make cross-platform exchanges easy.

Smart tools for everyone with content management functions: pre-media editorial system, images captioning and searching, file synchronization & backup, Macintosh file management on Windows platforms, automation of old files suppression, metadata editing and extraction.  

Create photo database catalogs with ease, index IPTC metadataKalimages, the innovative photo database tool to quickly caption,catalog and search digital images by keywords using IPTC/IIM, XMP metadata standards and controlled vocabularies without technical skills.

articles creation directly formatted in XML using pre-media KaliNews software

New:Kalimages PRO, create a professional image database using standard  IPTC and et XMP data indexation for full text search.
KaliNews, kalinews editor the editorial text  processor system for Press to create articles, manage and control related forms, formats and metadata from anywhere
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file backup software

  Idem File mirroring and synchronisation with IDEM software tool - scheduler 
Folder replication, Backup

MacNames Convert Macintosh filenames to Windows names removing illegal characters
Macintosh file management Mac to PC

Rapidly synchronize files or execute a directory replication with ease.

The automation of file synchronization between two servers is designed to copy files and operate also as a Windows NT or Windows 2000/XP service and to copy ACLs permissions during folder synchronization when you propagate file updates. Idem software fully preserves Macintosh filenames stored on Windows NT/W2K/XP platforms. Faq Idem

Renaming Macintosh filenames for PC and adding the proper extension automatically when shared on a Windows NT / 2000 / XP server volume to allow PC and Mac integration avoiding to have forbidden Windows non supported characters.

MacNames is also available as a Windows NT or Windows 2000 service to convert Mac file names to PC or shortening filenames from PC to Macintosh in an automatic way. 
Faq MacNames


Delenda Delete files, clean folders  
Purge, Disk Cleanup

Catalogue Catalogue is usefull for project managers to automatically refresh a documentation list. 
Documentation, File properties,Content management, catalog of links

Determine deletion date, how long to keep documents and remove obsolete files automatically when they reach the time to maintain folders up to date, deleting or archiving old files.

Erase or move files older than a certain number of days daily and automatically.

You will also be able to set it up for file suppression as a Windows NT/2000 cleaning service or delete files via batch using it in command line to free up hard disk space removing files over x days 
Faq Delenda

Catalogue is a file explorer utility that enables quick viewing, management and updating of metadata or document properties associated with such files as:

Microsoft Office,, StarOffice, Visio documents, Windows 2000 files, PDF documents information, IPTC fields for JPEG images, XMP of Adobe documents. 

Allow for file properties to be read and export into a manipulative format with the new XML export format, then other applications can integrate or transform this content.
Easy creation of HTML page cataloging folders and file properties to get more than names from your files. 
Faq Catalogue

Papers in French:


Learn more about metadata: Métadonnées - une initiation

The purpose of this French page is to help readers approaching metadata concepts, recommendations and initiatives. It presents several fundamental techniques related to Metadata (Dublin Core, RDF, XMP), detailing particular those which are applied to the images (IPTC, EXIF, DIG35, JPX) and to press (PRISM, NewsML, NITF).

A selection of Data Mining and Data Warehouse books

Dublin Core Site

Metadata Miner Catalogue Pro software: Catalogue is usefull for project managers to automatically refresh a list of the documentation.
Export files metadata,
document management software

Purchasing information here  

Creates extended listings of folders contents in interactive mode and command line use for integration in a documentary system: Automatic extraction of metadata from documents..

Metadata Miner Catalogue PRO also enables Adobe XMP file information (eXtensible Metadata Platform) metadata extraction from documents produced by recent Adobe applications and XSL transformation on metadata extracted listings converting to Dublin Core RDF, CSV, SVG and other custom presentations for common uses or in a Content Management System Architecture - ntfs properties export, pdf properties list, windows 2000 file properties extraction.

Allows companies to quickly gather summary information from MS Office, Adobe documents & other source documents and easily move that meta data into XML file or post it on shared drives as an HTML catalog with index of file documentation for project team members with easy files access via hypertext links.
Detailed purchasing information


CrossIPTC iptc mac

WinTopMost Keep the more often used applications everytime at the first plan  
Interface, Desktop Windows Manager

Enables automatic cross-platform stock photography conversion via a mass repair on IPTC File Info fields added to JPEG or TIFF pictures: translates Macintosh accents to Windows and Windows to Macintosh including an XMP cleaning utility. Facilitates images, digital photos transmission & exchange between platforms.
Disableclose window button manager to avoid close programs without proper exit.
Set a window topmost to be always on top in front of all other, Deactivate close X button automatically. 
Single, Site and Corporate license


Photography indexation

RarissimoCompress Macintosh files for FTP with Rarissimo shareware for WinRar
Compression for FTP

Photo keywording tool with IPTC and XMP support

Create, keyword a photo database to catalog and search huge number of digital camera pictures without technical skills. See how to start with Kalimages
Automatically compress/uncompress files preserving streams and Macintosh files integrity when transferring data via email or FTP. A WinRar companion tool.

SumInfos SumInfos software page with trial software
Extract, File properties

BriefAudit BriefAudit page  
File changes
Trial software

Console utility to collect summary informations (properties) embedded with all Windows 2000 files. It deals with the collection of Microsoft Office documents properties (and Macintosh comments stored on NT/2000 volumes) exporting collected information into a text file for future use by another application. 

Tracks file modifications
Are you having trouble keeping track of last users that modified a file? BriefAudit can be set up by network admins to set this report document changes history into comment file property for later auditing.   

Free Tools:


MacExplorer  MacExplorer freeware displays the sizes of data forks and resource forksMac files Explorer

MacVolumesMacVolumes optimizer software Statistics

Alternative Windows Explorer tool to analyze Macintosh files stored on Windows NT or Windows 2000 Server or Windows XP workstation.List and reports distribution or statistics about Macintosh volumes on Windows servers

MacInfoTip  Explorer Add-In

EasyConsolerun and save DOS commands for future use in a Windows desktop program  GUI DOS Command

A Windows 2000 or Windows XP Shell extension adding Macintosh files information display on Windows Explorer tooltips .EasyConsole can save your Dos command lines on GUI buttons to be used again just with a click instead of typing all text again ~ like a post-it, remember last DOS commands used.

Navigate files and folders with a Windows interface while issuing commands via a DOS shell. 
Runs a slave MSDOS console, stores last used commands for future use saving time.

TempusFugitNice educational clock software - freeware  Time

SDPPrinter settings

Roman clock - educational small program displaying time in Roman numerals and date in Latin in the Windows systrayCommand line utility setting properties of a printer/output-device on Win95/98. (Set Default Printer - version 2.0) Free

TCMacintosh file  signatures

Displays Type and Creator codes of Macintosh files using WinNT Explorer.

Fom-digests Maths News Reader

"grep" the fom-digests mailing list on the Foundations Of Mathematics. Fom-digest lookup

2008 Calendars Store

Interview Gazette de l'IFRA 2004:  XML's Relashionhip to publishing systemsP.12

Some Soft Experience Users Search Page,  News feed  Some WallpapersCurrency ConverterAwards

PrePress Software 

Eliminating bulky boxes allows us to provide the software for a lower price, saving natural resources and providing always recent versions available for download. Help files are included within setup and additional documentation on the web site.

Affiliation program / Register as an Affiliate

More on our philosophical backgrounds on computation and mathematics (in French) Philosophy Books 

Two quotes about mathematical and computer experience which inspired our company name Soft Experience

Our experience working within a mathematical theory and in applying it can support our belief that it is consistent. Empirical evidence may also be used to establish the reliability of our computers - something we presuppose when we appeal to their computations.Michael D. Resnik, Mathematics as a Science of Patterns, Clarendon - Oxford, 1997, p. 173

The matter of syntax and semantics of computer programs shows much of the old spirit of the Greek geometry. It describes constructions (computer programs) and proves that they actually achieve what is promised in the program specifications. N. G. De Bruijn, On the roles of types in mathematics, in The Curry-Howard isomorphism, Cahiers du Centre de Logique 8, Ed. by Ph. de Groote, Academia, Louvain-La-Neuve, 1995, p. 48. Software for office, business and prepress industry. French site : 
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We are also offering some program for Free. You may download them, use and send the information to friends or partners as an invitation to get professional software at affordable cost. Our aim is to let you test these solutions for your personal or business use before you buy. You can order them online using credit cards on a secure server , via bank check in Euros or Wiretransfer.