
Download the Clickcat PDF-to-HTML converter software products

Here you can donwload the Clickcat P2H software for the conversion of PDF to HTML:

P2H Test
Clickcat PDF-to-HTML free test version
  • Comes with comprehensive sample data in PDF and CDF
  • Comes with filled article database for linking article number on pages
  • This is the most comprehensive P2H version with all available features!
  • There is only one limitation:
    In the generated HTML code some letters are exchanged.


(43 MB)

03. Sept. 2004

Help file (+200 pages) download

(2 MB)
Please see on the products page.


  • PC with 128 MB RAM running MS Windows XP, 2000, NT, ME, 98, 95
  • approx. 30 MB disk space plus space for user data

Note that there is NO Adobe Acrobat software needed to use Clickcat!



Other Websites with important information about P2H Products

in English: All information about P2H technology, Products, Versions


in Deutsch: Alle Infos zur P2H Technologie, infos über Produkte, Versionen


en español : Toda la información sobre la tecnología de P2H, productos, versiones

www.catpool.com Automechanika-CATpool is the electronic product catalog and the permanent virtual exhibition for the automotive industry organized in co-operation with the Automechanika, the leading trade fair for the automotive industry. CATpool offers you entire product catalogs of leading manufacturers as well as direct contact to thousands of vendors of all kinds of automotive products, from spare parts, technical and garage equipment, to accessories and virtually everything around vehicle parts, components and services. Automechanika-CATpool is based on our technology and software products.
www.elecat.com in English: EleCat makes paper product catalogs, brochures, and data sheets dynamically usable on a PC or Internet browser.
www.elepub.com in English: Object Publishing System automating all processes from content acquisition and administration via content formatting to content distribution across all media, formats, types of publications and applications.
www.eleform.com Content capturing to XML or database